Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis

Last night Troy Davis was executed by lethal injection by the State of Georgia. Now, I’m not anti-death penalty, but I think it has to be certain that the person is guilty. In this case, from everything I have learned, there was simply too much doubt over his guilt in the crime he was convicted of. Seven out of nine witnesses recanted their testimony, stating in most cases they were coerced by the police, or threatened with jail time (if they had been arrested for some other crime). I hope I’m never arrested or put in jail for anything, but God-forbid, if I were…..I’m not sure I could lie on someone when their LIFE is hanging in the balance, just to save my own skin. I’d have to answer for that later, in the hereafter, and I think I’d rather take my punishment now, in this life.

I guess the family of the victim, a white police officer, thinks they will have closure with Mr. Davis being killed. That word, “closure” is such a joke. Who can ever have closure over a death, especially a murder?? Oh, maybe you’ll feel a little lighter thinking the killer is off this earth, but it’s not going to bring back your person, they will still be dead. I remember reading an article by a woman who was very much pro-death penalty, since one of her loved ones had been murdered, and she waited and counted down the days until the killer was executed. She witnessed the death, and said she expected this big sense of relief or peace, and nothing changed. She still felt the same way she did when she walked into that death chamber, and after that she was very much anti-death penalty.

If you know beyond a doubt someone killed your loved one (and in Islam, there are very strict precursors as to how guilt is decided – it’s not just “he said, she said” stuff), and the family wishes for the life of the killer to be taken, that should be done. BUT….if the family of the victim wishes to grant that killer LIFE, that should also be honored. So many people get away with murder, and God only knows how many others are executed who are completely innocent. How can someone sleep at night knowing they might have killed someone who was 100% not guilty of the crime they died for?

As Troy Davis said last night as his final words, may God have mercy on their souls.

And may God have mercy on Troy Davis' soul.

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