Thursday, October 20, 2011

let me make it

From time to time, I go back and read old journals and I find one recurring, sad testament in them whining about my weight and my statements saying I'm going to fix the problem.  And yet, after all this time, all these years, I am still overweight.  I am almost at my heaviest (I've weighed maybe 5lbs more than I do now, which would be my heaviest), and it's sad.  I'm not getting any younger (another common theme throughout the years), and I've decided to try once more.  I have been eating differently this week, and trying to fix my brain around the things I'm eating, instead of focusing on the "after I lose" results.  Knowing myself, I'll want to "treat" myself for a job well done, and before I know it, I'll be right back where I am now.  I think I have an addiction, I really do.  There are certain foods that I love the texture of it in my mouth, like brownies, or warm chocolate chip cookies with ice cold milk.  I have to completely break myself of these things, and probably.....sadly.....stay away from them.  They are my "triggers" and would send me into a tailspin.  Maybe I can have ONE, every so often, but I think making them and keeping them at home would be a huge mistake.

I did try this one recipe for a "dessert" which is ricotta cheese (low fat), mixed with flavoring (vanilla extract, cocoa powder, etc) and artificial sweetener.  I tried it with vanilla extract, cocoa and Equal, and it did help with my sweet tooth.  I also tried lemon extract and Equal, only this time I put it in the freezer and BOOM!!  It was like lemon sorbet!!  I thought to myself last night.....I might be able to sustain this, if I keep this type of "sweet treat" around for those times I need it!

I pray to Allah that I succeed with this, and change not only the way I look and the way I feel, but also my brain and how I look at food.


1 comment:

  1. Ms B.
    Don't be so hard on yourself. You are lovely just the way that you are. Find a balance, it is normal to have a sweet tooth, at least, that is what my psychology teacher said. Just try to have something once or twice a week that is sweet. If you deny yourself of the things that you enjoy you will find it hard to keep on track. Balance is the key.
